Used by the Egyptians in mummification, as evidenced by discovery of black pepper in the nostrils and abdomen of Ramses II. Indian monks ate several black pepprcorns a day to give them endurance during their arduous travels. In ancient times pepper was as valuable as gold or silver. When the barbarian Goth tribes of Europe vanquished Rome in 410 AD, they demanded 3,000 pounds of pepper as well as other valuables as a ransom. Traditional Chinese healers used pepper to treat cholera, malaria, and digestive problems.

Medical Properties: Analgesic, stimulates metabolism, antifungal.

Uses: Obesity, arthritis, digestive problems, fatigue, nerve/muscle pain, fungal infections, tobacco cessation.

Fragrant Influence: Stimulating, energizing, and empowering. A 2002 study found that fragrance inhalation of pepper oil induced a 1.7-fold increase in plasma adrenaline comcentration.

Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 time daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.



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