Botanical Family: Apiaceae or Umbelliferae (parsley)
Plant Origin: Russia
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from seeds (fruit)
Key Constituents: Linalol (65-78%), Alpha-Pinene (3-7%), Camphor (4-6%), Gamma-Terpinene (2-7%), Limonene (2-5%), Geranyl Acetate (1-3.5%), Geraniol (0o.5-3%)
ORAC: 298,300 mTE/100g
Historical Data: Coriander seeds were found in the ancient Egyptian tomb of Ramses (II). This oil has been researched at Cairo University for its effects in lowering glucose and insulin levels and supporting pancreatic function. It has also been studied for its effects in strengthening the pancreas.
Medical Properties: Anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic
USES: Diabetes, arthritis, intestinal problems
Fragrant Influence: Soothing and calming
Application: Dilute 1 part essential oil with 1 part V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or other pure vegetable oil; (1) apply 2-4 drops on location, (2) apply on chakras and/or Vita Flex points (3) inhale directly, (4) diffuse, or (5) take as dietary supplement
Found in: Longevity