Thu, 06/29/2023 - 09:42

June 28, 2023

Anxiety is a growing issue in society, especially among young people. The terms anxious and being nervous are often used interchangeably, and it is pretty common to hear someone say that he is feeling anxious when faced with a situation that makes them uncomfortable. Normal anxiety levels represent our body alarm system, which improves people's attention and problem-solving, motivates work towards goal, and does not negatively interfere with daily functioning. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric conditions; up to 33.7% of people suffer from an anxiety disorder during their lifetime. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric conditions; up to 33.7% of people suffer from an anxiety disorder during their lifetime.  Among the fewest drugs discovered are those belonging to the class of anxiolytics. Although some drug targets for anxiety disorders are established, it is hard to modify and selectively choose the active principle for those targets. Thus, the ethno medical approach to treating anxiety disorders remains one of the most prevalent ways for (self)managing the symptoms. Melissa officinalis L. (lemon balm) has been extensively used as an ethnomedicinal remedy for the treatment of different psyche-related symptoms, especially dose related to restlessness. According to studies, more than 40% of patients in Serbia suffering from different non-psychotic disorders use different herbal products for the treatment of their symptoms. One of the most frequently used plant species was reported to be Melissa officinalis. 

May 23, 2023

Essential oils have been used as remedies since ancient times for the treatment of numerous illnesses on account of their wide range of biological activities. Historical records show that essential oils were already in use more than 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and China to prevent illnesses, for the treatment of diseases and in religious ceremonies on account of their pleasant odors. Essential oil have drawn attention from scientists, practitioners, and therapists for their biological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and antinociceptive properties. The use of essential oils in complementary therapies such as aromatherapy is popular in many countries and involves the administration of essential oils by inhalation, skin absorption, or ingestion for prophylactic medical care or active treatment.

February 24, 2023

Hospitalization is necessary for the intensive treatment care for the patients preparing for medical procedures. It has been reported that hospitalization causes a moderate to high anxiety levels to these patients. High levels of anxiety produce several undesirable outcomes before, during and after the procedure. Increasing heart rate, blood pressure or other sympathetic outflows, and an increasing pain sensation are common possible effects of anxiety. It has been reported that patients with high levels of anxiety need a higher sedation drug dose and are prone to have unwanted movements during sedation. In addition, the elevation of blood cortisol level has been reported in anxiety patients and induces the reduction of immune systems, causing infection or delays the wound healing.

Hypertrophic scars (HS) are thick raised scars that occur when extra connective tissue forms during wound repair. These hypertrophic scars could affect the body image of the sufferers. But, on other hand, conventional therapy has not been optimally effective. Essential oils are currently widely used by society for treating several diseases, including skin diseases. Essential oils could penetrate the skin and are distributed under the skin. Essential oils are extracts from natural ingredients that are  oil/lipid-based. The  combination of Helichrysum  italicum,  lavender, lemongrass,  patchouli, and  myrrh  is one of  several essential oil combination  ingredients believed as hypertrophic wound therapies.

 July 8, 2022

Mycobacterium avium complex-related diseases are often associated with poorly maintained hot water systems. These bacteria are common and are found in fresh and salt water, in household dust and in soil. MAC bacteria usually cause infection in those who are immunocompromised or those with severe lung disease.  They can become very sick and experience respiratory diseases, high fever, abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue, swollen glands, night sweats, and fewer red blood cells, or more serious symptoms like hepatitis, pneumonia, and blood infections.Since humans are
